
Who are we?

Our company is a facility that has been producing mineral oil in accordance with world standards in the 3rd Organized Industrial Zone of Konya province by obtaining Environmental Permit and License Certificate from the Ministry of Environment

Contact Us

  • sales@lentuslt.com.tr
  • +905326558342
  • 3. Organize Sanayi Bölgesi T. Ziyaeddin Cd. 7. SK. No:21 Selçuklu/Konya/Türkiye


4- Distributorship advantages

  • Being the sole sales representative in the country/region,
  • Opportunity to ship orders directly from stock without wasting time for production,
  • Low order limits (at least 1 container to minimize shipping and customs costs),
  • Advertisement and promotional material support that will cover the region where the distributorship is made.

Lentus LT offers dealers a strong start with the distributorship opportunity on the way to becoming a big brand. High quality products, reasonable prices and constant demand for the automotive sector provide dealers with a great market advantage. Lentus LT supports its dealers during the branding process and helps you create a strong sales strategy with technical support and training. In this process, dealers can build a strong brand image, gain customer loyalty and increase their market share.

5- Why Lentus?

  • Price advantage compared to its peers,
  • World-class production quality,
  • Production under the supervision of an accredited analysis laboratory,
  • The opportunity to work with a solution-oriented team during and after sales,
  • A wide range of products,
  • The opportunity to change packaging preferences (unit quantity and shape) in subsequent orders
  • Products that respect nature,

Lentus LT not only produces high-quality engine oil, but also has an environmentally friendly technology that ensures the longevity of your vehicles. Every drop protects your engine from wear and takes performance to the top. By choosing this product, you take a strong step in the market and offer your customers a reliable and sustainable solution. Lentus LT offers you a profitable and solid business opportunity not only today but also in the long term. We are with you on the path to branding.

Our company is a facility that has been producing mineral oil in accordance with world standards in the 3rd Organized Industrial Zone of Konya province by obtaining Environmental Permit and License Certificate from the Ministry of Environment

  • sales@lentuslt.com.tr

  • +905326558342

  • 3. Organize Sanayi Bölgesi T. Ziyaeddin Cd. 7. SK. No:21 Selçuklu/Konya/Türkiye

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